お客様情報のご記入をお願い致します。必須の項目は必ずご記入の上、「個人情報の利用目的に同意して次へ」ボタンを押してご送信下さい。 Please fill out customer information. Please fill in the required items and send it by clicking "agree to the purpose of using personal information" button.
性別 gender*
現在のご職業 Current occupation*
If you would like to get the reply by phone, please do not forget to write down.
Please make sure that you do not make a mistake.
ご希望の返信方法 Your preferred reply method*



You can see the current reservation availability date from this online reservation calendar.

Please select your desired date and time, please make a reservation.

* Reservation will be completed after approval by us. In that case the reservation completion mail will be sent to the mail address you filled in.




Privacy policy page


こちらもご記入下さい。Please cooperate with the questionnaire

ジム入会の目的 Purpose of joining Jim*
ジム利用経験 Gym use experience
パーソナルトレーニングについて About Personal Training*







※ Please be advised that we may refuse admission as a result of admission review.

* Minors are required to consent from parents.

※ If you are undergoing exercise restriction by doctor, doctor's medical certificate is required.

* Please proceed to the application procedure only if you agree with the above.